Raising a child with a disability, Olivia shares her journey with her son Hugo.
Bump to Mum - A podcast by Emma Coxhead

Welcome back to season 3! I am very excited to share this season of the podcast with you which includes more great Mama chats as well as informative episodes with experts in their field. To kick things off, I spoke to Olivia who is a Mama to 3 under 5; Gus, Greta and Hugo. Olivia takes us through her pregnancy with Hugo where at her antenatal scan they discovered Hugo was missing the lower half of his left arm. Olivia shares with us her journey through pregnancy which involved fetal medicine and genetic testing, her birth and her families experience raising a child with a limb difference. We also talk through:how her family explain & talk to their older children about Hugo's disabilityOlivia and her husbands personal journey of coming to terms with Hugo's disabilitywhat life looks for Hugo now and plans for the futurehardest and most enjoyable season of motherhoodOlivia's advice for other familiesOlivia really wanted to share her experience as she found it personally very isolating and scary and her hope is that her story will provide comfort for other families experiencing something similar. Olivia is happy for you to connect with her if you want to chat more, her IG is @livvyandluna.I hope you enjoy this conversation, if you do please rate and review on Apple Podcasts and follow along on Instagram @bumptomum.podcast for updates on future episodes and fun chat.Chat soon Mama's!