Tina Sederholm

Burning Eye Podcast - A podcast by Burning Eye Podcast


Our poem this week is 'Vegetarian Special at the Gate Hangs High' by Tina Sederholm! -- They spelt it Le Sagne on the pub specials board. That’s L,E, space, Sagne. I shouldn’t laugh, after all, people in Britain pronounce it that way. But I can’t help myself, I keep saying Le Sagne, Laying the stress on different syllables, pompous arse that I am after a couple glasses of red, and a Salena Godden gig, which is permission enough to say anything. And it doesn’t get boring to repeat Le Sagne, Le Sagne, Le Le Le Sagne! These tiny errors happen so easily. Imagine in the Bible, if T’shuvah had been better translated. Instead of ‘repent’, the scribe had found a word closer to the original Aramaic ’return’. Then we would not need to repent our sins, only return from them. Like reversing out of a cul-de-sac when the sat nav gets confused. Maybe it was a bad day. Maybe the scribe’s bowels ached after a confrontation with his brother, and carrying certain judgments on how some people should behave, felt his brother could do more to earn forgiveness. Thought, Sod it. Repent will do. Maybe the scribe at the chalkboard in the pub was having a similar moment. Remembered being ridiculed in French class as they dithered between Le or La and having never studied Italian thought Well… It sounds like a Le. I ordered Le Sagne anyway. The point is; it was delicious. Tomatoes from the pub garden, homemade Bechamel, a sprig of parsley cut not ten minutes before. What I would have missed if I’d let a misplaced letter cause me to dismiss this meal. Perhaps it is a universal truth, whether considering lasagne, or a bible, one should seek a little deeper and always check out the source. -- Check out previous episodes, rate and subscribe on your podcast providers. http://www.tinasederholm.com/ http://burningeye.co.uk