Other People's Nonsense! And how to avoid it.

Burnout Buster - Shed the Stress! - A podcast by Pam Burrows People Booster - Wednesdays


OPN - Other People's Nonsense (or crisis, or drama, stress or distress) is not yours to shoulder.When you collect up other people's stuff, you're increasing your risk of burnout.In this episode I talk about how we collect it up, the particular dangers of it and what to do instead.Yes it is possible to be caring and helpful without carrying other people's stuff around with you.You'll also get to experience a taster of my 'Shield' technique to give you daily protection and strength. Please check it out on my YouTube channel for the full version and how best to use it.Support the showFind more resources from Pam:Free Monday Motivator. Do you forget your own needs sometimes? Would it be useful to get a personal boost every Monday morning at 6am to set your week up right? You can read it later on if you prefer, lol. Sign up https://pamburrows.com/mmm More of Pam's wellbeing and confidence technique videos on You Tube: https://YouTube.com/c/pamburrowspeoplebooster Switch off techniques for calming and sleeping: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIBlT70-cGM7AGXOC8u-B2ht4KzHJndou Connect with Pam on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamburrowspeoplebooster/ Follow Pam on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PamBurrows Download your FREE CARE wellbeing poster: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiOcrS0OyuoAgZA-uu1PH2rErmGmeg?e=YL3KU1 Download your FREE STAR poster. Stick it up for you and send it to a friend: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiOcrS0O...

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