100th Show: Join former CMO for Ritz-Carlton and Loews Hotels and Founder of BJH Consulting, Bruce Himelstein,at the Cafe to discuss the current state of the hospitality Industry
Business Growth Café - A podcast by businessgrowthcafe
It's my 100th show. I want to thank my subscribers, listeners and guests I am pleased and honored to welcome to the show Bruce Himelstein, Founder of The BJH Group. Bruce is a Sales & Marketing Expert, Speaker, Facilitator, and Consultant. His career includes…Chief Sales & Marketing Office for Ritz-Carlton Hotels, President Oceania Cruises, and Chief Marketing Officer, Loews Hotels & Resorts. And, a long-time friend of mine, but you'll have to listen to the show to hear those details! Join us as we take a journey with Bruce from graduation to cleaning hotel rooms to CMO for major hotel chains. And, as we explore the current state of the hospitality industry.