Farmers in Europe continue protests

Business Matters - A podcast by BBC World Service


Farmers in Europe have been protesting about low food prices, cheap imports, and new EU environmental measures. Sam Fenwick will be hearing if there is any progress on negotiations as Europe comes to a halt.Meanwhile a billion-dollar donation to a New York medical school means hundreds of students will graduate debt free.And you might think that the athleisure executive look is effortlessly thrown together. We can reveal that it isn't as CEO's and business executives are spending a fortune on wardrobe makeovers. Sam Fenwick is joined throughout by two guests on opposite sides of the world: Peter Morici an Economist at the University of Maryland in the U.S and Sushma Ramachandran a Senior Financial Journalist for The Tribune newspaper in India.(Picture: Tractor stands near the EU Commission headquarters during a protest on the day of an EU Agriculture Ministers meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Credit: Reuters)