089: Furloughing & the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Schemes with Annette Ferguson
Business of Architecture UK Podcast - A podcast by Rion Willard - Fridays

Very important podcast this week, as I speak with Annette Ferguson, a chartered accountant and a certified profit first professional about furloughing and the coronavirus business interruption schemes. Annette typically helps 6/7/8 figure service based entrepreneurs find clarity in their numbers, increase their wealth, and take more money home from their business. As a former Financial Controller for Goldman Sachs who was responsible for one of their biggest managed funds combined with 10+ years running an online business, Annette’s programs and consulting encompass robust financial strategies combined with speed and agility to make a real and lasting difference quickly within businesses that she works with. In this episode Annette discusses her own entrepreneurial journey and the content marketing she utilises in her own business as well as giving us a deep dive into furloughing practices and business loans. In this episode you will learn - What is furloughing and what it means for your practice - What are the coronavirus business interruption loan schemes and how they can be utilised - How to be preparing and planning your finances for the remainder of the year DISCOVERY CALL WITH RION https://www.businessofarchitecture.co.uk/discoverycall Annette and Co https://annetteandco.co.uk