117 An Alternative Pathway to Becoming an Architect with Richard John Andrews

Business of Architecture UK Podcast - A podcast by Rion Willard - Fridays


In this episode I speak with Richard John Andrews. Richard is the Owner and Director of Richard John Andrews Ltd. establishing his architecture and design studio in 2017. Richard's design studio came about organically after completing a self-build project of his own home 'the cork house' as well as a design collaboration alongside an internationally renowned artist, Conrad Shawcross RA. Having studied architecture at the respected Canterbury School of Architecture, Richard acquired both RIBA part I and RIBA part II qualifications. Richard achieved a first class with honours at RIBA part II and was also nominated for the RIBA Silver President's Medal for his thesis work. Richard has also worked for several award-winning architectural firms including Foster + Partners, Michaelis Boyd Associates & DOS Architects helping to design numerous projects ranging from large scale commerce buildings to domestic residences. In this episode Richard discusses the different pathway he has taken towards becoming an architect, one which has led him to accruing a large amount of project leadership and practical construction experience in his own business prior to becoming a registered architect. This untraditional sequence of experience and registration raises pertinent questions about the process of becoming qualified which are discussed here. THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES Discovery Call with Rion https://www.businessofarchitecture.co.uk/discoverycall Richard John Andrews https://www.richardjohnandrews.co.uk