121: A One-stop Shop for Client Success with Nigel Husband, Director of Architecture, Z Group
Business of Architecture UK Podcast - A podcast by Rion Willard - Fridays

This week I speak with Nigel Husband, Director of Architecture at Z Group, the UK’s first genuine Alternative Business Structure (ABS) regulated by the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority), ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales) and RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects). Nigel originally took over his father’s practice before forming his own in 1986 known as Husband and Partners Architects LTD which then rebranded as Husband and Carpenter Architects and later became an LLP in 2012. H&C Architects then joined Z group in 2016 as part of an ABS (Alternative Business Structure) providing a one-stop-shop for architectural, accounting and legal services. With a wealth of experience and background knowledge from running his previous architectural practices, Nigel is seeking better ways of delivering architecture and is delighted to the extent that clients can benefit from the combined professions of architectural, accounting and legal services made possible through this unique business structure." In this episode you will discover - What is an Alternative Business Structure (ABS) and how does work for an architecture practice - How working closely with other professions can inform effective design solutions for your clients - How an ABS can be powerful approach to protecting cash flow THIS WEEK'S RESOURCES Discovery Call with Rion https://www.businessofarchitecture.co.uk/discoverycall Z Group https://www.zgrp.co.uk