128: How to Remove Your Hidden Inner Blocks with Polly Bateman
Business of Architecture UK Podcast - A podcast by Rion Willard - Fridays

Today's we have the fabulous Polly Bateman. Polly is a performance and mindset coach who specializes in being able to draw out and obliterate your hidden inner blocks and whip you into action towards your highest potential. She has worked with clients from all walks of life from entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, public figures, world-class athletes to creatives and is trained in ontological and transformational coaching. In this episode, you will discover -How to identify hidden inner blocks to performance -How you can remove these hidden blocks -How you can take yourself forward to reaching those high levels of performance. THIS WEEK’S RESOURCES Discovery Call with Rion https://www.businessofarchitecture.co.uk/discoverycall Know more about Polly Bateman https://thepollybateman.com/ Polly's LinkedIn https://uk.linkedin.com/in/thepollybateman