#227 Creating an Offer That's Worth 10x The Price

Business with Impact - A podcast by Rachel McMichael


What would your business look like if you were able to double your results? Or even completely fill your program or 1:1 slots? In order to answer that question… you have to have one thing crystal clear: Confidence that your offer is EXACTLY what someone out there needs. In fact, they’re probably looking for you as you’re listening to this episode right now. Are you clear on the results and value that you can bring to your clients and customers? Chances are you’ve created a program that gets results. And if you’re still struggling with getting sign-ups and consistent sales, then you’re probably struggling with the exact same thing that most do… and that’s how to clearly communicate the value of your offer in a way that makes your ideal customers want to take action NOW… And that can cause one of two things to happen: Either you try to overcompensate by offering everything (and the kitchen sink) to your clients (which can leave YOU feeling resentful)… or your potential clients are confused… and we all know a confused buyer doesn’t buy. And the problem is… no matter which one of these you struggle with - both lead to a cycle of questioning your offer, your business, or even yourself. It’s a story that’s all too common, but that story doesn’t have to be yours. In today’s episode, I want to walk you through a quick tip we give our Academy 12-Month Group Coaching Clients on how they create a “Magnetic Yes” offer that’s worth 10x what they charge… Ready to learn more? Let’s dive in! --- → Apply for an accelerate call HERE! → Grab Rachel’s NEW 40 ways to bring more traffic to your offer checklist to help bring ORGANIC leads into your business! → Have a business question for Rachel? Send in your business questions to Rachel HERE! → See a copy of this week's show notes HERE!