Bonus Ep: Happy Fathers Day - Memories of our dad ft. my sisters

But Where Are You From? - A podcast by Vivian Yau


Welcome to But Where Are You From?... A podcast by a late 20-something millennial learning about life as a British Born Chinese. I’m Viv, the host of the podcast. I talk about life as a British Born Chinese (BBC); from family life, to work, dating, relationships, food, racism, and general culture. Trigger Warning: grief, losing a parent We know that these types of commemorative days can be tough for those who have lost someone special. So we've created this podcast for those who are in this position to let you know that you're not alone, we see you and hear you. Laugh with/at us,  cry with us. We're here! Despite this being a commemorative episode for our dad who passed away nearly 4 years ago, it's actually really fun! We talk about our fondest, funny memories of him, what we learnt from him, what traits we've inherited from him (definitely his goofy sense of humour), how he was so adventurous; him and my mum went paragliding whilst we were on holiday in Thailand and left the three of us on the beach lol cause we were too scared. It did get a little teary and sad when we thought about what we'd like to say to him (I had the snot kinda crying), but we brought it back up with an impromptu 'How Asian is your daddddd?' segment haha.  Always happy to chat over on my Instagram too: Jingle by the talented John Clapper: