Sam Knee talking about Memories of a Free Festival
C86 Show - Indie Pop - A podcast by thec86show
Author Sam Knee discussing Memories of a Free Festival: The Golden Era of the British Underground Festival Scene - with David Eastaugh Free music festivals were at the epicentre of counterculture in Britain during the latter half of the 20th Century. With roots deeply embedded in the social history of British folklore, they evolved from embryonic jazz festivals through the anti-nuclear protest marches of the early ‘60s, to the Rock Against Racism and Jobs for a Change gigs of the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. They encapsulated the most radical voices of generations of young people, as they responded to the political schisms and social unrest that surrounded them. Memory of a Free Festival celebrates this wondrous world of bohe - mia. Hundreds of previously unpublished period photos capture jazz-loving beatniks, flower power hippies and post punk indie kids in all their festival finery.