115 - Monstery Three Stooges Shorts
CadaverCast: A Monster Movie Podcast - A podcast by CadaverCast

9-year-old Al and CadaverDad tackle a trio of Three Stooges shorts in memory of Al's late grandfather: "We Want our Mummy" (1939), "Spook Louder" (1943), and "Idle Roomers" (1944). If you'd like to pitch in to the GoFundMe we've set up to help Al's grandmother after the passing of Al's Papa on December 19, here's the link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/doug-ewalt-memorial-fund You can support CadaverCast with your ratings and reviews on Apple Podcasts, by donating to our network at patreon.com/wordsalad, and sharing the show with your friends (or enemies). We sure do appreciate it! Email us at: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/Cadaver_Cast On Instagram: instagram.com/cadavercast Check us out on Facebook: facebook.com/groups/CadaverCast CadaverCast theme by Aaron Ewalt Series cover art by Angel Onofre Episode edited by Jef Burnham © 2021 Jef Burnham & Al Burnham