19 - Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956)

CadaverCast: A Monster Movie Podcast - A podcast by CadaverCast


5-year-old Alistair and Dad continue to obsess over giant, rampaging monsters as they turn their attentions to one of the most iconic movie monsters of them all: Godzilla. Things go from super silly to serious as Al and Dad unpack the deeper meanings of 1956's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, but don't worry, things get super silly again soon enough! You'll also learn about Alistair's aspirations for the future and hear his thoughts on Raymond Burr. And seriously, how many 5-year-olds in 2017 have an opinion on Raymond Burr? Read Sean Fallon's write-up on CadaverCast for AudiencesEverywhere.net (referenced in the episode) here: http://www.audienceseverywhere.net/podcasts-of-the-week-cadavercast-and-wooden-overcoats/ You can support the podcast with your ratings and positive reviews on iTunes, by donating to our network at patreon.com/wordsalad, and spreading the word about CadaverCast to your friends. We sure do appreciate it! Email us at: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/Cadaver_Cast Check us out on Facebook at: facebook.com/cadavercast Follow Jef (Dad) on Twitter at: twitter.com/JefBurnham CadaverCast theme by Aaron Ewalt Promo music: "Lin Minmei" by anaphylaxis Series cover art by Angel Onofre Episode edited by Jef Burnham © 2017 Jef Burnham