49 - A Celebration Of Slashers Horror Podcasting Roundtable
CadaverCast: A Monster Movie Podcast - A podcast by CadaverCast

6-year-old Alistair and CadaverDad were among the panelists at DePaul University's 2018 Pop Culture Conference: A Celebration of Slashers. On this episode, Al takes on a real big boy role at A Celebration of Slashers, serving as the panel chair of a roundtable discussion on horror podcasting that culminates in a hypothetical discussion about fighting a totally made-up monster! Also on the panel are CadaverDad, Linnie Sarah Helpern (The Horror Honeys), Dawn Humphrey (Women in Caskets) and writer Ashlee Blackwell (Rue Morgue, Graveyard Shift Sisters). You can support CadaverCast with your ratings and positive reviews on iTunes, by donating to our network at patreon.com/wordsalad, and spreading the word about CadaverCast to your friends (or enemies). We sure do appreciate it! Email us at: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/Cadaver_Cast Check us out on Facebook at: facebook.com/cadavercast CadaverCast theme by Aaron Ewalt Series cover art by Angel Onofre Episode edited by Jef Burnham © 2018 Jef Burnham