74 - Who the Al is CANDYMAN?

CadaverCast: A Monster Movie Podcast - A podcast by CadaverCast


7-year-old Al's never seen CANDYMAN (1992), but that doesn't stop him from speculating on what the Tony Todd-starring adaptation of a Clive Barker story is all about. So listen in to find out just how mad bees can get about pollution and to learn all about the bizarre practices of American cemeteries as Al answers the question: Who the Al is CANDYMAN? You can support CadaverCast with your ratings and positive reviews on iTunes, by donating to our network at patreon.com/wordsalad, and spreading the word about CadaverCast to your friends (or enemies). We sure do appreciate it! Email us at: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/Cadaver_Cast On Instagram: instagram.com/cadavercast Check us out on Facebook: facebook.com/groups/CadaverCast CadaverCast theme by Aaron Ewalt Series cover art by Angel Onofre Episode edited by Jef Burnham © 2019 Jef Burnham & Alistair Burnham