Haley's big life update!
Call Me Candid - A podcast by Haley Pham & Lilly Ann

We felt like a life update was longgg overdue- so get ready for all the deets on what has been going on in our lives behind the scenes (including Haley's HUGE life update!!) We hope this episode can make you smile and that you are having a great week!! ILY CMC podcast fam!!
Call me candid podcast: https://www.instagram.com/callmecandidpodcast/
Call Me candid Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrxtR71rYSJnCy8uNfMK_BA
Lilly Ann: https://www.instagram.com/allthingslillyann/
Haley Pham: https://www.instagram.com/haleypham/
Shop Lilly Ann: https://allthingslillyann.com/shop
Shop Retro Reprise: https://www.retroreprise.co/
Our epic CMC intro/outro song was created by the amazing Logan Nelson @lgnnelson