Owning Your Story feat. Emily Stimpson Chapman

Called and Caffeinated - A podcast by Stacey Sumereau

“God’s primary calls come to you through a combination of opportunity, interest, and talent.”  Have you ever felt as though you're too young, too old, unqualified, overqualified, or in some other way inadequate? The devil LOVES to make us believe that we have to be something other than we are to successfully start tackling God's callings. Nothing could be farther from the truth. God uses every single part of our story for the glory of His Kingdom. Owning your story means accepting your individuality, rejecting comparison, allowing him to redeem your wounds, recognizing how God is working in the mess, and realizing that every moment is valuable...including the waiting for your vocation. I first encountered Emily Stimpson Chapman on Instagram. Writing is Emily's gift and calling for processing her story and sharing beauty and truth with the world. There were multiple topics I knew she'd provide valuable insight on...so we're covering (almost) all of them! Topics Discussed Seeing your own story in light of salvation history “Vocational orphanhood:” staying strong for those who are single into their 30s and 40s How it took NINE years of vacillating between dating and friendship before Emily and her husband finally tied the knot Processing and sharing the difficult parts of your story How a sacramental worldview saved Emily from an eating disorder Process scars, not wounds Emily’s method of her effective Instagram evangelization mission Resources Emily’s website and NEW Cookbook to fund her next adoption Scott Hahn: A Father Who Keeps His Promises Paul Center Bible Study: A Journey Through Scripture, Genesis to Jesus Jeff Cavins: Bible Timeline The Catholic Girl’s Survival Guide to the Single Years by Emily Stimpson Chapman Today's episode is sponsored by the Cathoholics podcast. Find it here! To buy curated high-quality gift boxes, visit Pillar and Pearl's website. Every purchase supports Emily as well as a community of Catholic artisans.