The Joy of Fasting feat. Dr. Scott Hahn

Called and Caffeinated - A podcast by Stacey Sumereau

Anyone else totally lose steam at this point in Lent? It's not Holy Week yet and the "smells and bells" of special liturgies haven't arrived. And TBH I'm busy and the excitement of growth at the outset of Ash Wednesday wore off weeks ago. If you're like me, you will absolutely LOVE my interview with the inimitable Dr. Scott Hahn. There's so much more to fasting than giving up: It will increase our JOY. It unites us in brotherhood to the millions of people in our Universal Church who have fasted throughout the centuries. Give this a listen to gear you up for Holy Week; it won't disappoint! Topics Discussed How to find joy in fasting Discerning when you've taken your resolutions too far (or not far enough) Fasting for those suffering from body image anxiety Collectively building the Kingdom of God through fasting Does fasting "prove" our faith to God? Looking for more discernment guidance? Consider signing up for the True North Discernment Course. Great for any life decisions, big or small, this Course is rooted in rich Catholic discernment tradition. 5 self-paced modules including worksheets, video teaching sessions, and personalized coaching with Stacey! Join the Called and Caffeinated Patreon Community for twice-monthly video chats and to support this unique content! Thank you to this episode's sponsor, the Christian Family Movement. For over 70 years CFM has been building strong communities to help keep families strong! Check it out here.