'Human Rights in Europe' - Judge Dean Spielmann: Fitzwilliam Law Society

Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law - A podcast by Cambridge University

Judge Dean Spielmann, the President of the European Court of Human Rights, spoke about "Human Rights in Europe" on 22nd February 2013 at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Judge Spielmann is a Fitzwilliam alumni and was elected President of the European Court of Human Rights. He took up his duties on 1 November 2012. Since graduating at Fitzwilliam, Dean Spielmann has been a member of the Luxembourg Bar and assistant lecturer in Criminal Law at Louvain University. He has been a Section President of the ECHR since February 2011, elected in respect of Luxembourg. The European Court of Human Rights was set up in Strasbourg in 1959 by the Council of Europe Member States, to deal with alleged violations of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights. The event has been kindly sponsored by Herbert Smith Freehills, CMS Cameron McKenna, and Allen & Overy.