International Surrogacy Forum: The Reality - Empirical Research Findings - Vasanti Jadva

Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge - A podcast by Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge


This conference, organised by Cambridge Family Law together with the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) and the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Family Law, explored a range of issues and challenges surrounding the law and practice of national and international surrogacy from a practical perspective. Practitioners, lawmakers, academics and other participants will discuss the legal consequences of the rise in surrogacy arrangements and, in particular, reproductive tourism. For more information about the conference see: This recording is from Part V - The Reality - Empirical Research Findings, with Vasanti Jadva (Cambridge/UK) speaking on 'The psychological wellbeing of surrogates and their families'. Dr Vasanti Jadva’s BSc in Psychology was from City University, where she later worked as a Research Assistant at the Family and Child Psychology Research Centre on a project looking at families created using reproductive technologies. During this time she also conducted her PhD which examined sex differences in 12-24 month-old infants' preferences for colours, toys and shapes. She joined the Centre for Family Research in March 2006. She is currently a Senior Research Associate and an Affiliated Lecturer at the Department of Psychology and a member of the National Gamete Donation Trust’s advisory council.