43: Emily Oster And That Sugar Rationing Study
Can I Have Another Snack? - A podcast by Laura Thomas, PhD, RNutr - Tuesdays

Hey team and welcome to Can I Have Another Snack? and a bonus free pod for you.This month we got sent a listener question about Emily Oster's take on a study about sugar rationing and whether that leads to better metabolic outcomes for kids. Since there is sooo much chat about sugar right now, we thought we'd answer it in a Rapid Response/Dear Laura/All of the Snacks mash up - so here it is, a bonus free podcast with my take on Emily O.For paying subscribers, I go into a ton more depth in a Dear Laura post (dropping on Thursday) about the history of so-called ‘natural experiments’, what this study actually says, and Emily’s response. It’s a little less off-the-cuff than this conversation and digs into the nuance of how they reported the stats a bit more. If you're not yet a paying subscriber and want to read that, do the thing here.Let me know what you thought of the episode over in the comments at canihaveanothersnack.com.