134: The Art of Simplicity with Joel Comm

Can I Pick Your Brain? - A podcast by Daniel Gefen


Joel Comm talks about how to become more successful by having more fun and keeping things super simple.   What we discussed: * How the biggest successes can come from the least amount of effort * The importance of allowing things to happen at the right time * The difference between knowledge and wisdom * Why being ignorant can be an advantage * The art of simplicity * The 95/5 rule * … and MUCH MORE * Interesting highlights: * Joel shares how his grandslams came out of the blue * Joel sold his company to Yahoo! for 7 figures Joel’s #1 practical advice:  Wanna join me on my journey to 7 figures?  Join my exclusive FB group now! Resources & Links:   * Joel’s Book – The Fun Formula  * The Self Help Addict (My book) * Gefen Media Group (Sponsor)   Did you enjoy this episode? Then please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live (and you will be helping me get to #1 on iTunes!)