Episode 35.5 - Eachtach Post Show Live Chat

Candlelit Tales Irish Mythology Podcast - A podcast by Candlelit Tales - Wednesdays


Sibling Telepathy in the music of the previous two episodes that tell the back-story of these two anyway. Music and how it affect the story. Live music and the difference between live recordings of the stories and the podcast versions. Different, can we ask for feedback from our listeners? The Sugar Club night - Imbolc, special night! Had planned on going back there. We will be back for sure… just not so sure when that will be necessarily! The Story! Eachtach as a character - only one version Richard March Bright Blue Blade- The rightful ruler of the Fianna was not given her chance, and so the demise of the Fianna happened shortly after. When the wrong people are in charge … bad things happen, that’s a given, but when the right person doesn't get given the role they deserve it seems to inflict more doom in the potential false prosperity that person might bring. Like the world would be perfect now if Bernie was in charge of America…? https://www.patreon.com/candlelittales http://candlelittales.ie/ https://open.spotify.com/show/2102WuUUe9Jl6cGXNwQEKf https://soundcloud.com/candlelittales https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/candlelit-tales-irish-mythology-podcast/ https://twitter.com/candlelit_tales?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/candlelittales/ https://www.instagram.com/candlelittales/ https://vimeo.com/user52850249 https://www.youtube.com/candlelittales