Never Stop Learning

Hybrid Canine Podcast - A podcast by Matt Hubble


Some truths are harder to accept than others. In the dog world this is especially true and unfortunately, a very hard blind eye is often turned. Like most things, I believe this comes down to a lack of knowledge and education. Because I work inside of the dog training industry, I have more education and knowledge about dogs than the everyday pet owner. So while some of these things are not shocking to me, they can be shocking to other people that hear them. So shocking, to the point that some people will vehemently argue against it. Resorting to nasty comments, belittling and public attacks on something they don’t understand. . (i.e. my page is at times a landing ground for ‘force free’ or ‘pure positive’ trainers to make nasty and rude comments during my livestreams or on my posts. Sometimes going so far as attacking some of my followers here on Instagram) . In example, I’ve seen more and more awareness regarding canine obesity. It’s interesting to look at the conversations and comments on posts that bring awareness to this topic. To those that do not have education on what a “fit and healthy” dog should look like, they feel personally attacked when someone shows a picture of their fit and healthy dog and their dog does not look like that. Which means to them that their dog is unhealthy, which means it’s a personal attack on them, which then leads to them becoming offended and hurt and saying things like “Your dog isn’t fit and healthy, he’s sick and starved!!” . This lack of education on “hard to swallow pills” in dog training/dog ownership is very obvious to me and other trainers/enthusiasts in the industry. But we are the minority. Being a part of this minority usually means we take initiative to educate ourselves. We actively seek education on the things that we don’t understand or trigger us. If you’re still here reading this long ass post, you are most likely included in this minority🤣 . You’re invested into learning more, asking questions and seeking wisdom.