Martin Walker, Consultant, I&DM Advisors, (Stockholm, Sweden recorded on 19 May 2020)

Captivated Audience: A Financial Crime Podcast - A podcast by SJSML


Martin Walker, Consultant, I&DM Advisors talks with Marie Lundberg and Sam Sheen about working as a British ex-pat in Sweden, the importance of business architecture and the supporting role of the IT function, the importance of understanding how data flows and its use inside a financial institution, the challenges of data aggregation, the importance of understanding the difference between data at rest and data in motion and the move towards event-based processing for AML purposes and how timing is everything when it comes to data processing. And his recent role as the interim CIO for the Nordics KYC Utility. And tackling the big question: Compliance and IT teams: Can they ever work collaborate on successful AML technology projects?

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