Season 2 Episode 2: “In The Heights” PART 2 Movie Round Table with Annika, Gabi, and Jacob
Captive Audience - A podcast by Kelly Lin Hayes

Roughly one year after the podcast update, Kelly is back to fulfill a promise made in Season 1. A round table where Annika Perez-Krikorian, Gabriela Morales, and Jacob Santos, and I chat about the “In The Heights” movie. Topics ranging from cultural significance, to musical vs movie, to responsibility to cast appropriately. We try and cover as much as possible. Part one of this podcast focuses on story and characters. Part two, which will come out next week, will focus on production and wrap up. VISIT And follow along with the Show Notes!! Captive Audience Links!! Twitter: @Captive_Podcast Facebook: Annika: @annika_renina on twitter @annika.renina on Instagram Gabi: @gabimoralessss on instagram @cutegirlfoodies on instagram Jacob: @REALJacSantos on twitter @Jac_Santos23 on instagram Kelly @kellylinhayes on twitter @kellylinhayesdesigns on instagram Affirmative (Re)action Spotify @affirmreact_pod on twitter @affirmreact_pod on instagram