How should we approach the poetry of St. John of the Cross?

Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations

Fraces Harry, OCDS, interviews poet Tim Bete, OCDS, about the poetry of St. John of the Cross. Below are resources and links to things mentioned in the podcast. Books of poetry by Tim Bete: The Raw Stillness of Heaven, Wanderings of an Ordinary Pilgrim Primary source material: The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross (includes The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle, The Living Flame of Love, Letters, and The Minor Works) [Revised Edition]. ICS Publications. The Living Flame of Love by St. John of the Cross 1O living flame of lovethat tenderly wounds my soulin its deepest center! Sincenow you are not oppressive,now consummate! if it be your will:tear through the veil of this sweet encounter! 2O sweet cautery,O delightful wound!O gentle hand! O delicate touchthat tastes of eternal lifeand pays every debt!In killing you changed death to life. 3O lamps of fire!in whose splendorsthe deep caverns of feeling,once obscure and blind,now give forth, so rarely, so exquisitely,both warmth and light to their Beloved. 4How gently and lovinglyyou wake in my heart,where in secret you dwell alone;and in your sweet breathing,filled with good and glory,how tenderly you swell my heart with love. Spanish1¡Oh llama de amor viva, que tiernamente hieres de mi alma en el más profundo centro!Pues ya no eres esquiva, acaba ya, si quieres; ¡rompe la tela de este dulce encuentro! 2¡Oh cauterio suave! ¡Oh regalada llaga! ¡Oh mano blanda! ¡Oh toque delicado, que a vida eterna sabe, y toda deuda paga! Matando, muerte en vida la has trocado. 3¡Oh lamparas de fuego, en cuyos resplandores las profundas cavernas del sentido, que estaba oscuro y ciego, con extraños primores calor y luz dan junto a su Querido! 4¡Cuán manso y amoroso recuerdas en mi seno, donde secretamente solo moras y en tu aspirar sabroso, de bien y gloria lleno, cuán delicadamente me enamoras!   The Living Flame of Love in song In Spanish Living Flame of Love (Marcus Steer) Malone University Chamber Choir Love's Living Flame sung by a choir (text by St. John of the Cross) John Michael Talbot (song) O Living Flame of Love (song by Karl Kohlhase)   Fr. Bonaventure Sauer's talk about poetry