Mary as Virgin

Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations

In this program we focus on Mary as Virgin, Mother, and Spouse. As Virgin, we are with her at the Annunciation and see anew her great purity of heart and her receptivity to the great news from St. Gabriel. Mary, with her “Fiat,” clearly emphasizes “Thy will be done.” Then, she “ponders” all these things in her heart. As Mother, we see Mary’s fruitful love. Her pure prayer leads to an abundance of graces poured out to all. As Spouse of the Holy Spirit, she is the perfect model for all who pray as we grow in our love relationship with Christ and become the Bride of Christ. Finally, we, in imitation of Mary, with Mary, through Mary, and in union with Mary, we may grow closer to Christ as we live a life of prayer.