“Nada, Nada, Nada” of St. John of the Cross

Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations

When a Carmelite hears the word, “Nada,” they automatically think of the great Discalced Carmelite Doctor of Love, St. John of the Cross.  What does that word mean?  Why is this word so deeply associated with St. John of the Cross?  Is this a harsh concept to live?  How can we apply this concept to our own lives and our families?  This conversation will answer those questions and give some background that sheds light on this concept…and will hopefully warm you up to what St. John of the Cross is teaching us. Host Frances Harry, OCDS, discusses the topic with guests Deacon Mark Danis, OCDS, and Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS.   Source:  The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Trans. by Kierab Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD; ICS Publications.