Part 1: Courage in the Face of Opposition: What the Carmelites Can Teach Us About Living Counter-culturally

Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations

In our day, there is much social upheaval and unrest and a strident political atmosphere.  Additionally, living during the pandemic of Covid-19, has caused many pressures and struggles for the whole world. “Courage in the Face of Opposition” is needed as much, or even more, today as in previous times.  Our guest, Colleen Sollinger, has put together several teaching points  and nuggets of wisdom from our Carmelites that will help us to live now in our challenging situation, as they did in theirs. We will get wise counsel from several Carmelites.  Those featured in this podcast are:  St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, the Martyrs of Compiegne, St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Maria Maravillas, St. Benedicta of the Cross, Pere Jacques (Bunel) of Jesus, and General Louis-Gaston de Sonis.   SOURCES Père Jacques “Père Jacques: Resplendent in Victory” By Francis J. Murphy ICS Publications   “Listen to the Silence: A Retreat with Père Jacques” Translated and Edited by Francis J. Murphy ICS Publications   General de Sonis “The Life of General de Sonis, From his Papers and Correspondence” By Msgr Baunard, Translated by Lady Herbert Available from Amazon   “Le Général de Sonis” By Gérard Bedel Via Romana (it’s French but the most up-to-date, if you can read it.)   Martyrs of Compiègne “To Quell the Terror: The True Story of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne” William Bush ICS Publications   Saint Maria Maravillas There isn’t a lot about St. Maria Maravillas in English, alas. If you can read Spanish or French, you’re in luck. However, we can offer one English source:   “Following the Path of Divine Love:  Saint Maravillas, O.C.D., Daughter of the Church and of Saint Teresa of Jesus” by the Discalced Carmelites of Cerro de los Angeles and La Aldehuela, Spain; Carmel International Publishing House; Kerala, India. 2011. ~ This is the website to the convent near Cerro de los Ángeles. This is the convent from which she was first arrested during the Spanish Civil War; this is the one she rebuilt after it had been destroyed after being occupied by both sides at various times throughout the war. ~   Sainteté au Carmel: Vie et message de Mère Maravillas de Jésus By the Carmel at the Cerro de los Ángeles Éditions du Carmel