Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity and our Incarnation in Christ

Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations

One of the most profound and important teachings of the New Testament is our need to, as St. Paul says, "Put On Christ." We must actually allow Christ to both continue to live His life through us, and renew His mystery of salvation for those come in contact with throughout our lives. Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity, The Order of Carmel's newest Saint, was particularly taken by this teaching and made it one of the central themes of her famous "Prayer to the Trinity." Of course she drew much of her understanding of this deep Theological principle from the New Testament Letters of St. Paul. This particular program uses both the writings of St. Paul, and key phrases from St. Elizabeth's prayer to help explain, and make practical for our daily lives, the application of this teaching. Of course, in order to come to a true understanding, a soul must be prepared to expose themselves, in a state of docility, to the workings of the Holy Spirit. Mark and Frances also address these issues as they relate to our contemplative prayer and our response to the circumstances of our individual lives. This is a wonderful program for those who are looking for solid principles on how to deepen our awareness and adoption of the person of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. RESOURCES: Scripture:Phil. 3:10, Gal. 3:27, Heb. 12:29, Heb. 10:5, Rom. 12:1, Gal. 2:20, 1 Cor 2:2, Jn 15:5, Pa. 141:2 Books: “The Doctrine of the Divine Indwelling: A Commentary on the Prayer of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity” by Rev. Mere M. Amabel du Coeur de Jesus, Translated into English by a Discalced Carmelite; The Newman Press. “Teresa of Avila--The Way of Perfection: A Study Edition,” Trans. by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD; Study prepared by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD; ICS Publications. “Conversation with Christ” by Peter Thomas Rohrbach, Tan Books. “Divine Intimacy” by Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, OCD; Tan Books.