The Dark Night of the Soul—Preparing to Meet the Beloved by Deacon Rusty Baldwin, OCDS.
Carmelite Conversations - A podcast by Carmelite Conversations
Dec. 14th is the Solemnity/Feast of St. John of the Cross, a Discalced Carmelite and Doctor of the Church. He is often referred to as Doctor Mysticus or Doctor of Love. He is a great Saint for Advent with his writings centering on mystery, darkness, intimacy, light and flame of love. This presentation will help us ponder these questions: What is a mystic? What are we called to? What is the Dark Night and what it is NOT? What is true happiness and joy? Why did St. John of the Cross use the term, Dark Night? What did he ask to be recited to him as he lay dying? What is the Flame of Love?