Category Managment Musings - Strategy

Category Management Musings - A podcast by thempowergroup


Category Management is the latest advancement of the Strategic Sourcing process and is taking our professional community by storm. What needs to happen within your organization to make the transition from Strategic Sourcing to Category Management? Category Management Musing(s?) will provide that answer by using our Category Management Maturity Model(CMMM) as the framework.  Our first domain in the CMMM is Strategy and, we will share with you real life stories from the field combined with our research.  You will get to hear the four biggest learning/challenges we have curated from our many engagements and research projects that are at the core of an effective Strategy for our function.  In addition, you will also hear about the Predictors of Success when it comes to being effective at Strategy.  These are indicators that we use to quickly assess clients and prospects chances of success in their Transformations.  To make it easier for you, we are also providing an outline ofthe podcast and a handful of slides that will add to the value you get from this podcast. Link to Slides: Register for the WebinarCoronavirus or COVID 19 – Structural, Tectonic, Long Term and Fundamental Changes:   Any comments or questions: [email protected] Visit us at: On Twitter @TheMpowerGroup