Training your cat to ride on a boat & love water with Fisher the Maine Coon
Catexplorer Podcast - A podcast by Catexplorer

Fisher is a maine coon cat who loves being on water. He spends his time on boats, tubes, stand up paddleboards and with his humans, Lorraine & Finn. We asked Lorraine & Finn about how they trained Fisher to be comfortable on the water, how they take him on the boat and how they developed trust between themselves and Fisher. See the show notes here: To support Catexplorer & join the Catexplorer Purr Squad or become a Catexplorer Producer, see here: To find out how to leave a Catexplorer Podcast review see here: What we talk about •How Fisher came into Lorraine & Finn's lives •About Fisher •Catexploring Fisher does •Managing human nerves with catexploring •Introducing Fisher to water •Developing trust with your cat •Understanding Fisher's limits •How Fisher learned to swim •Comfort on the water •Making sure you are confident while catexploring •Packing list for taking Fisher on the boat •Cat friendly sunscreen •Keeping Fisher cool while catexploring •Boat safety with Fisher •Fisher and his lifejacket •How to know floating devices are cat friendly •Advice for new catexplorers •Most entertaining comment said while catexploring with Fisher •Catexplorer who inspire Finn & Lorraine •Product, service, program that has been a gamechanger for Fisher