Monday of the Second Week of Advent - Astonishment at the Mercy of God

Catholic Daily Reflections - A podcast by My Catholic Life!

Then astonishment seized them all and they glorified God, and, struck with awe, they said, “We have seen incredible things today.”  Luke 5:26They were “astonished” because Jesus cured the paralytic after he was lowered through the roof of a house in which Jesus was teaching.  Jesus cured him and they were amazed.But this was not what amazed and astonished people the most.  What was most astonishing was that Jesus also said to the paralytic, “As for you, your sins are forgiven” (Luke 5:20).  Jesus then confirmed that He had the power to forgive sins by performing this physical miracle.True, most people went home that day speaking first about the physical healing.  But you can be certain that, as they pondered this experience, they were even more deeply moved by the forgiveness of sins.  Perhaps they did not fully understand what this all meant.  But, nonetheless, His words of forgiveness were quite powerful and transforming.Reflect, today, upon your desire to receive God’s forgiveness in your life.  Do you long to hear these words spoken to you?  Do you long to experience the mercy and forgiveness of Jesus in your life?  The reason He came from Heaven to Earth was to offer you the forgiveness of your sins.  Miracles do not matter in the end.  What matters is mercy and forgiveness.  When you receive this gift of His mercy you will also glorify God with a joyous and holy astonishment as you see this incredible gift unfold in your life.Lord, I do desire Your mercy and forgiveness in my life.  Help me to lower myself before You so that I can hear You say, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’  Jesus, I trust in You.