CS 1550: Eucharistic Miracles: Wednesday

Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids - A podcast by Nancy Bandzuch

The Eucharist IS the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. We believe this without seeing it, and yet at certain times, God has given us miracles that prove is indeed present in the Eucharist. this week is dedicated to all the little ones receiving their First Holy Communion this year! +MONDAY: What is a Eucharistic Miracle and why do they matter? +TUESDAY: The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy +WEDNESDAY: The Miracle of Ovieto, Italy and Portugal +THURSDAY: The Eucharistic Miracle of Sienna +FRIDAY: Modern Eucharistic Miracles in India (2001), Mexico (2006) and Poland (2013). Join us this coming Thursday for Virtues with Sir Roland inside the Clubhouse. Click here to learn more and sign up! https://catholicsprouts.com/join-the-clubhouse      Check out the Catholic Sprouts Podcast ARCHIVES! https://catholicsprouts.com/podcast-archives/    Find fun, meaningful, faith-filled projects for your own family in the Catholic Family Resource Library. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-family-resource-library-signup/    Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media. For more great Catholic podcasts, check out spokestreet.com