CS 1598: Kerygma Part 1: God's love and His plan
Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids - A podcast by Nancy Bandzuch

This week we are launching into a new series which will explore the seven truth of the Kerygma. Kerygma means "proclamation". It is a boiled down summary of our Faith and our lives with Christians. It is the exact same message that the Apostles carried to the world and used to build the Church. The Kerygma helps us today understand what we belief, what we are called to do as Christians and how we can share the Faith with others. This week we are exploring the first truth of the Kerygma: God loves you and He has a plan for your life. +MONDAY: What is the Kerygma? +TUESDAY: The radical idea that God is love +WEDNESDAY: How love changed hearts and then the whole world +THURSDAY: God has a plan, but He let's us choose if we will follow it +FRIDAY: God's plan to save the world. This coming Saturday, June 22nd we are hosing Fr. Ben Kociemba for a live Q&A inside the Clubhouse. Come explore the priesthood with him and hang out with other Catholic kids! https://catholicsprouts.com/join-the-clubhouse/ Find fun, meaningful, faith-filled projects for your own family in the Catholic Family Resource Library. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-family-resource-library-signup/ Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media. For more great Catholic podcasts, check out spokestreet.com