CS 1622: Kerygma Part 5: Baptism and the Holy Spirit
Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids - A podcast by Nancy Bandzuch

We trust that God has a plan for our lives. Sin has come to disrupt that plan and leads to misery and death, and yet, Jesus Christ came to save us. We believe this, and we have reoriented our lives to God. Now, we must some to God to receive His grace. And we do that through the sacraments! To understand this further, this week we are discussing the 5th Truth of the Kergyma: As Christians we are called to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. + MONDAY: Baptism makes us sons and daughters of God + TUESDAY: God gives us the sacraments so we can be united with Him forever + WEDNESDAY: Visible and Invisible things happen at a Baptism + THURSDAY: As baptized people, we share in Christ' Royal Priesthood + FRIDAY: Confirmation deepens our baptismal life and calls us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ to others. This week we have all of our adoration materials on sale! Find something for every member of your family! https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/ Find fun, meaningful, faith-filled projects for your own family in the Catholic Family Resource Library. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-family-resource-library-signup/ Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media. For more great Catholic podcasts, check out spokestreet.com