CS 1668: Your Unique Design: Monday

Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids - A podcast by Nancy Bandzuch

This week we have turned the mic over to Matt Ingold, a professional Catholic coach and founder of Metanoia Catholic. He is here to teach us all how to name and claim our Unique Design. + MONDAY: What are your strengths? + TUESDAY: What are your weaknesses? + WEDNESDAY: What are you unique motivators? + THURSDAY: Your Ideal Conditions + FRIDAY: Your Triggers   Head to CatholicCoaching.com to take a free online temperaments assessment and find a number of resources and workshops to help parents explore practical and personalized ways to grow in virtue.   Want to hear more from Matt? Tune into the Catholic Coaching Podcast! https://www.metanoiacatholic.com/tccp   Find fun, meaningful, faith-filled projects for your own family in the Catholic Family Resource Library. https://catholicsprouts.com/catholic-family-resource-library-signup/  Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media. For more great Catholic podcasts, check out spokestreet.com