CT4 – Culture: What Is It? And Our First Interview! **BONUS EPISODE!**

CaucasTalk - A podcast by Andrew & Eli


So eager are we to get this podcast up and running that we are jumpstarting things this month with BONUS EPISODES! Instead of one episode every two weeks, we’re posting every week for the month of August (as long as we don’t exceed our monthly hosting limit with blubrry.com… but don’t worry your pretty little head over that). Enjoy!
Culture: What Is It?
Culture may be one of the most overused words in the English language. It can describe everything, or nothing. Today we tackle this unruly term and take on an even more bodacious question: What is culture in the North Caucasus?
Of course this could take a lifetime to answer. That’s why today’s episode is so long. No, actually, it’s long because today we conduct our very first CaucasTalk interview ever! And is it ever juicy. We invite you meet Khalid, our well-spoken, English-speaking Karachay friend from our university. Guided by Andrew’s steady questions and interrupted by Eli’s unhelpful interjections, Khalid shares eloquently about key features of North Caucasus culture as he sees it.
We’d love your feed back! Write and tell us what you think at [email protected].
Episode 4 Links
10 American Values