Do schools need a transformation? | Pasi Sahlberg | Greg Ashman | Jordan Baker

Centre for Independent Studies - A podcast by The Centre For Independent Studies


A discussion between leading experts on the future of Australian education. Pasi Sahlberg and Greg Ashman, two of Australia’s leading voices in education, to be moderated by respected journalist Jordan Baker, Education Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. In 2020 Covid-19 has rocked education systems in Australia and around the world. Rather than attend schools in-person, many students were learning from home — placing new pressures on teachers and schools. Along with these new challenges are competing visions about priorities and practices of schooling in a rapidly changing world. Does a business-as-usual approach risk fail to learn from the experience? What’s important in schooling for the future? Do we have to rethink teaching, curriculum, and assessment for the 21st century?