On Liberty Ep 67 | William Coleman | Was Federation A Bad Idea?

Centre for Independent Studies - A podcast by The Centre For Independent Studies


We welcome William Coleman, Reader at the Research School of Economics at ANU. He is the prize-winning author, or co-author, of eight books including recently, Their Firery Cross of Union; A Retelling of the Creation of the Australian Federation (Connor Court). Recently writing in The Sydney Morning Herald, Chris Uhlmann wrote 'Scott Morrison now cannot travel through the country he governs. The Prime Minister is a prisoner in Canberra and his political fortunes in the run-up to the next election will rise and fall on the whims of premiers and chief ministers.' Until recently, Australians were seemingly indifferent or even unaware of some of the powers that states hold. COVID has changed that. With domestic borders closed, restrictions and avail of our liberties, are we seeing the fracture of the Federation?