Change Your Love Life with Jack Butler

Change Your Love Life - A podcast by Sanela Kovacevic Nelly


How to be loved for who you really are and how to find a high quality man without settling

You can be loved for who you really are and you can find a  long-term relationship with a high-quality man without settling. You can  get him interested again if he lost interest in you. Find out what do  high quality men really want in a woman when choosing the one and what  to do is the guy you are dating is not willing to commit.

Jack  Butler is a Relationship Expert and Speaker who coaches and teaches  globally, to help people be more of who they really are. He supports  deeper levels of freedom, authenticity and presence beyond the patterns  and strategies we take to be our real selves. Jack has clients from  around the world, he has taught on four continents and sold his programs  in over 20 countries.