Chat with Jane Hayes-Greenwood
Chats with Artists in Lockdown - A podcast by Emma Cousin

Jane Hayes-Greenwood and I talk about the impact of lockdown on her practice, and how it has kept the works she's making at a certain scale. Jane talks about being interested in things on the periphery and being drawn towards the anthropomorphic and difficult to place. We talk about the plants in her most recent series of works, developed over the last few years; discussing the real and imagined as well as the significance of green. We touch on stage sets, little islands and the 'Lady of the Night', as well as plant sex and transformation. Jane talks about her anxiety sparking paintings and we traverse tarantulas, spikes, spines and hairs as well as alien looking orchids that take us to psychological space. Jane talks about making paintings as series and how plants sit outside of time. Jane touches on how the things that feature in her works often stand in for experiences, thoughts and projections and build on previous interests in archeology and psychology. Jane talks about having to tidy up before being able to make a mess and we talk a bit about her process of collage and drawing. We get into 'The Witches Garden' and 'Mother Nature', which started from research into midwifery, fertility and medicine and continue to grow. We talk about brushes - soft goats hair and those that dry out and end up ruined. We talk about CGI and food too. Jane talks about Block 336 and their journey as well as the current shows. We discuss the joys and precarity of running a space like Block 336 in London. We talk about City and Guilds of London Art School, the art school where Jane studied and now teaches and we discuss the place and its style. Jane talks about her most recent finished painting, tantalisingly describing it as 'many mouthed and active' and we talk about the idea of getting feedback from paintings. Jane ends on significant shifts, personal and global; the joy of having a baby; the need to get out, even if its just to empty the bins; and learning about herself through motherhood. Image: In Bloom. 2020. Links: