The Rebel Road Career Stories: Jenn talks to Melinda Matthews, CEO at CodeClan

Chats with Leaders - A podcast by Jenn Fenwick


Hi and welcome to the Rebel Road podcast. I'm Jenn Fenwick, career transition and leadership coach at Rebel Road coaching. I work with leaders across the world to take brave, bold steps and their careers. The rebel road podcast is a way of me sharing some of the awesome stories of people I've met along the way, leaders across the globe doing awesome things.My next guest is Melinda Matthews, CEO of CodeClan, and a champion of the growing tech sector here in Scotland.  Melinda has had an exciting career working as a global leader for the likes of IBM, and shares with us her adventurous approach to both work and life.This is a cracking episode full of hot career tips and life advice, so sit back and tune in!  Enjoy!Jenn