Episode 5 - A Star Is Born meets "Weird Al" Yankovic
Chatting Pitch - A podcast by Leslie Wai

After the success/failure (delete as needed) of Will Smith as the entire MCU, Leslie and Matthew decide to limit themselves to one major recasting in one movie. This time, they decide to drop Weird Al Yankovic into A Star Is Born. What will happen? Will Leslie and Matthew be able to come up with lyrics for parody songs off the top of their heads? And would a Daft Punk/Bradley Cooper sequel work? Answers The plot of the movie, but with Weird Al. No. Oh, undoubtedly. 0:00 - Intro 3:48 - Part 1 24:16 - Part 2 37:06 - Matt and Leslie Rant about the DC extended universe Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChattingPitch Link to socials: https://linktr.ee/chattingpitch #astarisborn #weirdal #bradleycooper #doyouwantmetobuildaperfectcistern #movies #chattingpitch