A Resolution Reframe + Embracing Freedom

Checkbox Other with Nikki Innocent - A podcast by Nikki Innocent


As you step into the potential and planning for 2023, there can be a lot of pressure to have everything figured out or a perfect step-by-step process mapped out to achieve your goals flawlessly. This episode invites you to reframe your relationship to resolutions and rather than seeing them as a mountain top or a rigid finish line, allowing them to be a directional nudge to explore with the focus on bearing witness to yourself in the present moment. Goal setting is important, but so often we set goals and blindly strive for them without understanding whether or not the path we’re taking is working for us or if the goal is truly what we want when we are in the process of moving towards it. Nikki discusses some resources that might help you as you chart your forecast for 2023. Also, she shares a bit about how the fact that Haitian Independence Day and the New Year fall on the same date have impacted her life and how she looks at working towards a more inclusive, authentic future for both herself and the world around her.  For show notes and more info, visit nikkiinnocent.com/podcast