Everyone Is Happy Joy Reid Got Fired, Updates On Ukraine Peace Deal, & Crenshaw Threatens Tucker!

Chicks on The Right Show w Mock & Daisy - A podcast by Radio America

Today the Chicks chat about Joy Reid gettin' canned, Trump's big peace deal with Ukraine and Russia, and the viral threat against Tucker Carlson from the grumpiest Congressman ever.Be prepared for when you need medicine the most. Don’t go to urgent care YUCKVisit https://AllFamilyPharmacy.com/Chicks code CHICKS10 to get 10% off your entire orderJOIN the Ruff Greens 90-Day Challenge. Get your free jumpstart bag, just cover shipping, at https://RuffChicks.com using code CHICKSVisit https://readywise.com/ code CHICKS20 for 20% off your entire purchase. Preparedness is the gift of peace of mind