#5 From English teacher to CEO in China - Advice by Sven Agten

China Flexpat - A podcast by Patrick Frick & Francis Kremer


Belgian Author and Keynote Speaker, Sven Agten, first came to China as an English teacher in 2004. 15 years later he his the CEO of a German multinational company in China. Speaking Mandarin and being married to a Chinese wife, he is integrated into Chinese life as one can be. Topics and advice covered in this episode: What you can learn while living in China for 15 years How new flexpats can prepare for a life in China What can westerners and Chinese learn from each other Sven's biggest mistake in China Why more people should consider working in China Connect with Sven on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sven-agten-productofchina/ Get his book (German and Dutch versions available): https://www.amazon.de/So-schafft-man-China-Business/dp/3658219351/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=so+schafft+man+china&qid=1591018318&sr=8-1